Monday, February 16, 2009
Big Bend Trip
It sounds like Lehman plans on leaving around 6-7 am that Friday so PLEASE be aware that you will be missing classes that day. We will still return on Monday. For those of you who would like to drive or are willing to drive I believe I will need you be able to sign paperwork at the van rental (on campus) between 3 and 4:30 that Thursday.
February 5th Minutes
5:30 pm: John calls the meeting to order.
5:31 pm: Rissa calls for a voting to nominate a new geoscience society advisor
· Dr. Hetherington is nominated for the new geosciences society advisor to begin May 1. He will be replacing Dr. Yoshinobu, our current advisor.
5:32 pm: Announcements by John
· The geosciences society has been invited by Dr. Lehman’s Clastic Sedimentology class to attend a field trip to Big Bend. The trip will take place on April 10th through the 13th. If you are interested in attending, please email by Monday February 9th. Also, please let us know if you are certified by Texas Tech to drive the university vans.
5:35 pm: Announcements by Kevin
· There were six T-shirt ideas submitted this semester. The T-shirt that received the most votes was “Geologists Party Like Rock Stars and Don’t take Schist from Nobody”. The society will also look into buying fleeces.
5:40 pm: Announcements by Rissa
· Lab Manuals, Research Money, and Finances
o Lab Manual Profit for the year is approximately $7300.
o We have $1247.23 in our General Account.
o $1000 has officially designated for “Support” funds, with $200 overage if necessary.
o Constitutional amendment vote:
$4000 minimum must remain in the account in order to purchase new manuals. When new lab manuals are purchased all received funds first must replace this amount and then anything over that may be used for approved expenses (i.e. field trips, member support, speakers, and other approved expenses by Dr. Lehman, the Dept. Chair, and the officers).
· Upcoming Elections
o Must be at next meeting (March 5) to be nominated!! Officers must be sophomore or higher standing, passing GPA and active in the society for at least one year. Officer positions include: President, V. President, Treasure, Secretary, SOAC Representative (maybe any grade level). All “Levels” must be represented, if there is not a freshman/sophomore a representative may be elected. A graduate student MUST be either an officer or a representative MUST be elected if the society would like to continue selling lab manuals.
o Each candidate for Pres., VP, Treasure, and Secretary will be given a Profile Form to fill out to be posted on the bulletin board and on the blog/website. Forms are due no later than March 12th to be considered. If you have questions about the positions please talk to Rissa.
5:55 pm: Announcements by Candace
· On February 28th there will be a severe weather awareness day at the science spectrum. The atmospheric sciences department needs volunteers for the event. Volunteering can count towards service hours for the geoscience society. Please email or contact Candace for more information.
6:00 pm: Announcement by John
· There will be bowling tonight at South Plains Lanes. For more information, see the flyers outside room 234 or on the doors located by the stairs.